To identify if training will make a difference in productivity and the bottom line.
To decide what specific training each employee needs and what will improve their job performance.
To differentiate between the need for training and organizational issues
To determine what sort of training is relevant to your employees' jobs
To determine what training will improve performance,
To determine if training will make a difference,
To distinguish training needs from organizational problems, and
To link improved job performance with the organization's goals and bottom line.
This will provide a clear & concise process for planning, collecting, and analyzing data. You will perform a cost-benefit analysis and calculate a Return on Investment (ROI). This will also help you gain acceptance and recognition for your recommendations to management.
Provides a needs analysis approach of training needs.
Explains in detail how to plan a step-by-step procedure for analyzing needs.
Explains a faster needs analysis procedure.
Analyzes on how to avoid political pitfalls.
Helps in achieving credibility with managers in your organization.
Describe a procedure geared to training
Describes how to design questionnaires, surveys and interviews
Identifies the cost-benefits of training.
Applies the Cost Benefit Analysis for improving the training processes.
Analyze job performance and determine causes and solutions for job performance problems
Explains how to deal with the management and unnecessary trainings.
Determine when (and when not) to train.
Course Content
Understanding and planning the training needs
Analysis of training needs.
Different Approaches to needs analysis.
The myth of the scientific needs analysis.
Where to start?
Specific steps
Common errors.
Common forms of needs analysis.
Key questions
Faster methods.
Templates and worksheets
Data Collection
Designing a questionnaire.
Errors in Questionnaire
Sampling of Data
Assuring high rates of return.
Types of interviews.
Planning the interview.
How to open an interview.
Rapport-building techniques.
Data Analysis
Causes of performance problems.
Types of data.
When to train (and when not to).
Statistical analysis
Analyzing the data.
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Planning effectively within the Organization
Dealing with management.
Requests for training.
Needs versus wants.
Avoiding unnecessary training.
Forms of needs analysis.
Role of training.
Misuses and abuses
When not to do needs analysis.
How to design a professional proposal/report.
Gaining acceptance for your recommendations
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