Course Objectives
This course is written with the aim of making staff aware of the potential hazards involved with chemicals in the workplace and to instill in them the need to think about what they are doing.
Therefore, it is essential that all staff be made aware that the use of chemicals and equipment in a work environment is potentially dangerous. Staff should take all possible steps to minimize and guard against accidents; and adopt safe work practices at all times.
It is important that all laboratory staff adopt a new analytical psychology. This psychology necessitates them becoming totally aware of the work process they are performing, and understanding the techniques and chemicals they are using, to minimize the chances of human error.
Course Outline.
Safety in the laboratory
Chemicals and us
How chemicals harm us (Chemicals classification)
Chemical reactions
Poisons and Carcinogens
Handling toxic substances
Lunch /End of Day One
General laboratory Equipment
Protective equipment and safety kit
Fire and evacuation procedures in chemical laboratory
Occupational health and safety audit
Total quality management and safety
Smart work not hard work
Working under pressure and stress, safety first!
Storage and disposal of chemicals materials/compounds
Laboratory facilities and space
Identifying potential dangerous laboratory practices
Cost of safety versus the cost of injuries/accidents
Safety and quality equal success
Open forum/presentation of certificates.
Who Can Benefit
Laboratory managers.
Analytical chemists.
Medical scientists.
Laboratory supervisors.
Research and development scientists.
Food technologists and quality assurance.
Control managers.